P.R. and Marketing Firm Invests $1.2 Mill In Social Poker Developer
World Poker Fund Holdings and CommPro Worldwide. sign partnership agreement
In the United States, PR and content marketing firm, CommPro Worldwide, has signed a partnership agreement with World Poker Fund Holdings, Inc. in which media relations, financial communications expertise and marketing will be enhanced.
New York-based World Poker Fund Holdings, Inc. claims that CommPro is the third most influential social impact media and communications firm (presumably in the US).
The deal involves CommPro Worldwide providing the professional expertise and know-how to deploy resources and launch a full content marketing and PR campaign targeting the social gaming and event arena. Additionally, CommPro will invest in the social poker firm in return for an equity stake.
World Poker Fund Holdings front man and former World Series of Poker main event champion, Jamie Gold, said in a press statement Monday:
“Directly connecting active social gamers with an abundance of live and celebrity driven experiential content is the next level in the online social gaming industry.
“CommPro Worldwide’s expertise in both increasing our audience reach and delivering highly targeted communications will greatly support our premier gaming brands and enhance visibility for our events. In short, the CommPro Worldwide partnership provides us the ability to drive market awareness much faster and further, reaching our target audiences with innovative and exciting celebrity gaming product at the right time.”
Matt Bird, CEO and president of CommPro Worldwide said the opportunity to integrate with World Poker Fund’s online and event assets is expected to propel both of companies’ growth.
World Poker Fund Holdings, Inc. is currently in the final stages of launching its two-core celebrity-driven social gaming brands for online poker and casino gaming.
Online Casino News Courtesy of Infopowa
PR & Media Contact:
Matt Bird, CEO
CommPro Worldwide
C: +1 (646) 401-4499
E: matt.bird@commpro.com
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