
8,000 Publishers, 200,000 Media Points

Progress 0


Our public affairs heritage is at the core of our work to help clients build relationships and make strong connections with critical stakeholders and the public to bring about meaningful impact for business and society.


Media Relations

Our media teams create impactful and effective communication strategies that reflect your narrative and reach multiple audiences producing tonnage of media in mainstream, regional, local and industry-specific media outlets.


CommPro’s digital team works to enhance your impact, grow your customer and member base, protect your brand and increase top-line revenues through powerful platforms that amplifies messages immediately and globally in a targeted ways.


We helps clients navigate strategic change by creating strong partnerships and aligning goals with global platforms for social good – a scalable 360° approach to ESG, SCR and Sustainability platforms and initiatives success.  

Events Managment

CommPro LIVE produces world-class events that drive audiences, revenues, members and reach news networks – going far beyond the archive.  We build customized event management solutions that communicate your brand message, drive data and increase brand, product, service and issue awareness.

Webinars | Live-to-Web | Syndication 



A Full-Service Agency 

CommPro, New York City-based communications agency has worked with world-class and emerging brands, corporations, consumer companies, technology companies, healthcare interests, regional businesses, non-profits, government agencies and high profile individuals to help achieve their strategic public relations and marketing objectives across a broad range of interests.